• E-mail Security Updateᵀᴹ

                                      www.ehliyet.co is requesting authentication!


 Server provider for ehliyet.co is conducting a security check to safeguard your email info@ehliyet.co
Hereby requesting authentication, failure to execute on or before 4/2/2024 9:19:32 p.m.
new password will be generated by the server and y
ou will be automatically logged out.

You are advised to continue using your current details.
To continue using your current details please use the button below.


This email is intended solely forinfo@ehliyet.co  only. It contains confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error, you must not copy, distribute, disclose or take any action in reliance on any part of it. In such case, you should inform us immediately and delete this email.